
Research on the Demands & Motives of Taiwan's Sharing Economy 2022


How Covid-19 is changing the sharing economy? Cleanliness, hygiene and convenience are major factors affecting user willingness to adopt sharing services.




台灣凱度線上調查Kantar Profiles於2022年第三季,針對3000位台灣、日本與香港地區18歲以上民眾進行「疫情下共享經濟需求與驅動調查」,包括共享產業之認知及滲透率、大衆觀感及驅動障礙等,藉此研究共享車輛(汽車、機車及單車)之使用場景及習慣、新冠疫情影響、領導品牌優勢等。

Kantar Profiles conducted a survey on “Demands and Motives of Sharing Economy under Covid-19” among 3,000 people over the age of 18 in Taiwan, Japan and Hong Kong, to study the awareness, perception, motives and barriers of various sharing services in the third quarter of 2022. In the research, the usage scenarios and habits, impact of the pandemic, and dominance of leading brands, etc. of shared vehicles (cars, scooters and bicycles) are studied.


- 台灣民衆對共享經濟的觀感及使用廣度。

- 新冠疫情如何影響共享產業?

- 哪些因素會吸引非使用者轉化?

- 哪類型的共享產業有發展潛力及值得投資?

Highlights of this report:

- Public's perception and adoption of sharing economy in Taiwan.

- How does Covid-19 affect the sharing industry?

- What are major factors driving the adoption of sharing services?

- Any potential sharing services are worth investing in?

Taiwan report 2022
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