Real time insights and predictive analytics build better strategies and better business performance. As we re-write the rules of marketing research, data has become the digital fuel to deliver genuine insights. However, as industry stakeholders, we must capture data that is insightful, not invasive.
This year’s CASRO Digital Conference concentrated on the collective knowledge of research in the digital space with a focus on three key areas: implementing Mobile First, focusing on the panelist experience and the emerging importance of video.
Mobile First, Mobile Always
We know mobile is here, but are we utilizing Mobile First strategies? Responsive design is no longer sufficient for mobile respondents; the approach for Mobile First has to start with the smallest design.
Mobile surveys can be up to 15 minutes without having a negative impact on the respondent experience. However, it is important to note that it takes mobile users about twice as long to complete vs. PC users, so this must be factored into the LOI. Mobile First surveys should be about half of the content or half the questions you find on a PC survey.
Key takeaway: We must explore alternatives with clients to shorten their surveys and encourage Mobile First design.
Treating Panelists as People
Positive experience builds trust; we need to deliver a good panelist experience to regain market trust. We need to rethink design techniques to make surveys enjoyable. This could mean reducing the amount of screenouts, limiting grid/matrix questions, or removing flash for mobile users.
Integrating qualitative (observed) and quantitative (stated) data provides a well-rounded view of respondents for clients and is essential in today’s marketing research offer. We need to treat panelists like people, not a commodity.
Key takeaway: Limiting the burden on panelists will improve their experience and yield better quality data. Solutions need to be based on how the product will fit into the context of the user’s life. This means that while it is imperative to incorporate mobile-first practices, cross device behaviors are as equally valuable.
Video, Video, Video
The average person owns more than three devices today; we should view devices as ‘additions’ to marketing research. Forget the 1:1 ratio.
In addition, we need to look at the generational divide to understand the context and channels of our users. From Facebook and YouTube to Instagram and Snapchat, Millennials, Gen Xers and Baby Boomers consume information at different rates, in different ways. We need to be thinking of the next generation (2005-2025). How will video change this generation? How will video change marketing research?
Key takeaway: Video is a great tool to get richer data; privacy issues can be managed with clear upfront transparency. It is a useful way to supplement quant (survey) with qual (video).