In a recent blog post I presented a research use and technique framework. Today’s blog focuses on two of the applied research uses—strategic marketing management and marketing performance. Strategic marketing management involves getting the big picture by understanding opportunities, problems, and potential targets. Marketing performance is focused on assessing performance by monitoring and analyzing what is happening in market.
Susan Frede

As Vice President of Research Methods and Best Practices at Lightspeed from 2010-2017, Susan designed, conducted and analyzed numerous research-on-research projects to improve panel performance, respondent quality and survey data quality. Bringing nearly 23 years of Market Research experience, she published numerous research-on-research papers and is a well-respected speaker at key industry events. Susan worked closely with clients on quality initiatives and survey integrity, offering insight and consultation on research design, applications, execution and delivery. In addition, Susan played a key role in training and development within Lightspeed as well as the larger Kantar organization.
Before joining Lightspeed, Susan worked for 11 years for Kantar’s TNS, specializing in research for the Consumer Packaged Goods marketplace. She had also worked at Convergys, Parker, and Nielsen in various analytic and statistical roles.
Her statistical experience includes CHAID, Conjoint & Discrete Choice, Cluster Analysis, Correlation Analysis, Coverage/TURF Analysis, Discriminant Analysis, Factor Analysis, Forecasting, Multidimensional Scaling, Perceptual Mapping, Regression and Structural Equation Modeling. She also has extensive experience with multiple research techniques including Awareness & Usage , Brand Equity/Loyalty, Claims Testing, Concept and Product Testing, Customer Satisfaction/Value, Employee Satisfaction, Habits and Practices, Line Optimization, Package Testing and Segmentation.
Susan has provided expert consultation to clients in industries including Automotive, Durable Goods, Financial, Food & Beverage, Health & Beauty Care, Household Products, Insurance, Pharmaceutical, Retail, Technology and Telecommunications.
Susan is currently working towards her master’s degree in adult education from the University of Georgia. She completed her undergraduate work at Northern Kentucky University where she graduated Magna Cum Laude with a B.S. degree in Marketing and a Minor in Mathematics. She was awarded a Certificate of Excellence from the Management and Marketing Department. Her post-graduate education and training includes programs in Principles of Marketing Research, Practical Conjoint Analysis & Discrete Choice Modeling, Practical Multivariate Analysis and Tools & Techniques of Data Analysis.
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Research Techniques for Strategic Marketing Management and Marketing Performance
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